Please note that in April, 2022 our purchase price of asphalt sealant has increased by 41%
*$0.35-$0.40 per square foot with crack sealing/filling included (cleaning and prep is included to a certain extent.) Asphalt driveways caked with dirt/mud/an extreme amount of weeds/extreme crack filling will incur a $100-$200 surcharge.
Our minimum price per "address" is *$200 no matter what work is completed or what size.
On site quotes are *$50 due upfront and refundable upon project completion. We are way too busy for price shoppers/price matchers.
Concrete Sealing Quotes start *$150 and are refundable upon completion. Commercial quotes start at *$500.
*$0.95-$1.45 per ft2. Includes a minimum 2 FULL coats of a "non-slip" solvent-based Acrylic sealer. Price depends the on condition of the concrete surface. Exposed aggregate concrete requires more sealer vs. stamped concrete. If your decorative concrete has been abused/or is spalled or not sealed within 3-4 years, we will not even provide you with a quote. *DECORATIVE CONCRETE MUST BE SEALED REGULARLY!* If your decorative concrete has not been sealed within the past 3-4 years, please DO NOT CALL US!
Our minimum price for concrete cleaning & sealing is *$800 (Any size under 615 ft2. It takes 2 separate visits to clean and seal concrete with 2 coats.)
Concrete sealer touch-ups caused by someone else (usually dry steer tire marks from someone else using the driveway to turn around) incurs our minimum service charge of $200. You can avoid this by soaking a microfibre cloth with acetone and wiping it off yourself. Yes, it only takes us 5 minutes or so to complete this task. It doesn't factor in the time/traffic/crew to show up and take time out of our busy schedule to remedy a problem that we did not create. Concrete sealer touch-ups that are our mistake are free of charge.
*$1.05-$1.50 per ft2. A 2 coat application is our minimum.
Natural Stone does not need to be sealed or enhanced! Acrylic or Latex concrete sealers should never be used on Natural Stone because it is not porous, and those sealers will chip/flake off. We do offer a special Natural Stone Enhancer/Sealer for customers that request it. Ask us!
*$0.30-$0.55 per square foot. Pricing for pressure cleaning is based on the surface that needs to be properly cleaned. Proper pressure cleaning is tedious & requires detailed attention. We also have detergents/degreaser/efflorescence cleaner/rust cleaner that we don't charge for.
Our minimum price for any pressure cleaning service is *$270.
*$1.40-$1.65 per ft2. Stripping concrete sealer is extremely difficult and very time consuming. We are able to strip latex sealer from interlock/pavers with our industrial pressure cleaner @ 6000-7800 PSI. For decorative concrete sealer stripping, we only use
What they charge us, we charge our customers with no markup. As of October 2022, $1.40 per ft2. Their minimum charge is *$900.
Some concrete surfaces cannot be stripped. Please ask us.
Please note that in April, 2022 our purchase price of asphalt sealant has increased by 41%
*$0.25-$0.50 per square foot. How many coats do you require?
Commercial quotes start at *$500 up front and are refundable on project completion. We have wasted hours/weeks of accumulated hours and fuel providing quotes only to be bested by $50 net. After that problems occur and then we are contacted again to rectify issues we never created. If you read our website, you will see that we actually fulfill what we promise. Please do not demand our quality at a competitor's price. Our time is limited & EXTREMELY VALUABLE.
*$1.35-$1.65 per linear foot. The price per linear foot depends on your needs. Is routing required? Call/email us and ask.
*$25.00-$50.00 per square foot. We will tell you if we can/can't cut/patch your project. Prices are subject to conditions.
Do you require line painting and/or special paint markers? Call us and ask. We outsource our line painting/striping to Asphalt Sealing & Supply at their cost with ZERO markup. *What they charge us, we charge you. PERIOD.
THE DRIVEWAY GUYS reserves the right to be compensated by property owners/property management businesses/property managers/estate executors/power of attorneys/tenants or anyone else that choose to book our services for a specific day/time/price & subsequently cancel upon our arrival or on their service date. There are other property owners, etc. that wanted the time & date that was originally given to you. WE do not "double book" appointments and operate with Morals & Ethics, so we expect the same courtesy from anyone that agrees to our quoted price and "books in." We book all of our sealing projects for the specific date on paper and file them. All sealing projects can only be booked with/by our General Manager and cannot be booked with anyone else representing THE DRIVEWAY GUYS. We do not book customers without their confirmation (First Name/Last Name/Address/Phone #.) All of our quoted prices are FINAL as stated on our FAQ page.
Previous customer requests the same sealing price from 2-3 years ago, but fails to mention that they extended/added to the area to be sealed (we keep files of customer prices, square footage, & digital correspondence.) Our crew quotes prices of the area to be sealed by square footage. Changing/adding to the area to be sealed without prior notification requires re-measuring. Failure to notify us before our arrival & re-measuring, and cancelling after explaining those details will result in a cancellation fee (we take photos and/or video.)
*$100-$200 (Asphalt)
*$200-$500 (Concrete/Interlock/Pavers/Natural Stone)
Property owner, etc. booked us for a mutually agreed upon sealing project & upon our arrival, the property owner cancels our booked service while claiming a lower price from another similar business without prior notification (forgetting your booked service is not a valid excuse especially when booking via email/telephone/text message.) Failure to notify us by 9:00 PM the day before our arrival, cancellation on the date of service and/or when we arrive will result in a cancellation fee.
*$100-$200 (Asphalt)
*$200-$500 (Concrete/Interlock/Pavers/Natural Stone)
Property owner, etc. has extreme weeds/dirt/mud/construction debris/water soaked surface on the surface to be sealed without prior notification. These are extremely rare circumstances. Please scroll up on this page, as there are subsequent charges that are applicable. Cancelling upon our arrival after explaining subsequent charges will result in a cancellation fee (we take photos and/or video.)
*$100-$200 (Asphalt)
*$200-$500 (Concrete/Interlock/Pavers/Natural Stone)
Property owner, etc. decides on the service date that "they will DIY seal their own asphalt/concrete/interlock" after confirming & booking in with our General Manager. The date and/or time that was given to YOU was not available to others. Other potential customers have specific dates/times that they are only available for. After booking your project, we sometimes forfeit the opportunity to service other serious customers that appreciate our professionalism but choose another similar business due to time constraints. Cancelling on your "booked" service date and/or time is acceptable if done by 9:00 PM the day before & if not, a cancellation fee invoice will be forwarded to you in the mail (we digitally save all email/phone/text correspondence with customers in our secure system, we paper file all booked projects for their service date, & we ONLY book appointments that are approved by the customer before booking our services.)
*$100-$200 (Asphalt)
*$200-$500 (Concrete/Interlock/Pavers/Natural Stone)
SPECIAL NOTE: Rain, pop-up showers, & extreme winds do not violate our cancellation policies. We cannot control Mother Nature. Although we frown upon same day rescheduling for reasons other than weather, we understand and accommodate rescheduling on a regular basis due to inclement weather.
These cancellation examples are EXTREMELY rare. rns please feel free to contact us. Should our crew arrive to your booked job and deem that the surface in question requires replacement, we will not charge a cancellation fee. We will explain everything thoroughly to you. We do not want anyone to waste their hard earned income to seal a surface that needs replacement. That is our promise!
*All prices are subject to HST.